Welcome to the grand opening of the Anonymous Anime Review.
Finally, after about a million years of saying, "Hey, we should should make a website") we got something up.
We only have around 10 reviews right now, but there will be many more to come very soon, such as biohunter, angelcop, devil hunter yohko, burn up, slayers, record of lodoss, there's more, but I just can't think of them right now.
Our links lists is also quite limited, but the ones we have up are more than sufficient for the time being.
Anyways, we hope you like what we've done so far. --------member#52946124
7/1/98 A few new improvements
and additions have been recently added to this little marvel we call Anonymous Anime Review.
"But what are these new improvements and additions," you ask. Well for starters we changed
the menu!!!......plus, now you can e-mail us
your questions and comments at aac_review@hotmail.com!!!....
and finally, we added a new review!....ok, ok we really didn't
do very much, but at least we did something.....--------member#05950120